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Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way

My passport is my ticket to the world. It's only fitting it makes an appearance on my first post.
My passport is my favorite possession.

Welcome to Trek and Teach, and my first post!  Now, I’ll make the assumption that, like me, you’re interested in travel.  Perhaps you’re already comfortable with travel and are just looking for an idea for your upcoming trips.  Hopefully, by sharing the trips I have taken, or am planning now, I can motivate you to explore these locations as well.  Also, you may learn some tips as to how to travel there more affordably.

On the other hand, maybe you are new to travel. You may possibly be thinking about that first trip to your dream destination.  Maybe you’re a bit nervous, or even scared, but there’s probably some excitement there as well!  Any type of travel can be nerve-racking.  Obviously, international travel leads to a variety of challenges; different cultures, distinctive languages, or unfamiliar currency.  However, domestic trips can still raise our anxiety levels.  Think about the person that grew up in the city, and is considering their first camping trip.  Contrarily, for those of us that grew up out in the country, it can be terrifying exploring the “Big City!”

My point to this first post is this, there will always be factors we can fall back on as to why we shouldn’t take that next (or first) trip.  You have to realize that all the little issues that come up along the way, are worth getting to take the time to explore the world around you.  Having the desire to travel is the first, and most important, step.  Some people will talk themselves out of traveling before there is even a glimmer of desire to imagine all the possibilities.  Traveling can be expensive, but if you spend a minimal bit of time and effort, you can be rewarded with great discounts and amazing memories!

There is no time like the present.  Stop putting off that trip you’ve been wanting to do.  You can make it happen if you are motivated enough, and you will make life long memories!!  For those of you that are new to travel, it can be a bit scary but the more you do it, the more you’ll love it.  I have experienced those same feelings as you are right now. I’m thankful that I had someone in my life to give me that push to start the journey.  I’m hoping that I can be that person for you.  Follow along on my journey to learn how to make yours possible.  It is time to get started!  Thank you to all that took the time to read my first post, if you want to learn more click the link below.


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