Hello, my name is Mike Cooper and I’d like to give you a little background on myself. First off, let me thank you for visiting my page. If you love adventures, travel, and history you’ve come to the right place. Do I have your attention? If so, continue reading below!
I’ve always had a love of the outdoors ever since I was a child. I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania with an upbringing that was common for that area. My brother, friends, and I spent most of our time running around outside in our neighborhood. Dashing through cornfields, exploring the woods, or splashing around in the creek (“crick”) were just some of the places you would find us. Whether it was swinging on vines, climbing on massive boulders, or exploring underground caverns we discovered, it’s amazing we even survived our youth.
Along with the outdoors, my love of history also started at a young age. I still recall my first moment as a child when the thought of exploring ancient ruins got its initial hold on me. It was a fifth grade Social Studies class and we were watching a video on the Mayan ruins scattered throughout Mexico. I remember thinking to myself someday I’m going to be there in person. A couple of years later, my seventh grade history class on ancient world civilizations sealed the deal. My teacher, Mr. Acaley, was absolutely amazing!! He created an environment that made learning the subject fascinating. So much so that as that early age I decided I wanted to become a history teacher.
As I grew older, my love of history remained, however I opted for a different route and went into elementary education. I completed my Masters in 2008 and soon after I moved to Colorado. I moved believing my background in ELEM ED would help me land a teaching job at a local school. My timing could not have been worse, since the economy took a dive and jobs were very hard to find. I made due, picking up what work I could and just enjoying the boundless nature activities that the Colorado Springs area offered.
One night while visiting friends, the topic of a European adventure was broached. With the cocktails flowing, our excitement boiled over discussing all the things we would see and do. However, when my head was clear the next day I believed it would be a waste of time and money and assumed we all would forget about it anyway. This was not the case, and I fought the idea for quite some time until it was obvious this was happening and I wasn’t able to back out.
A Turning Point:
As the trip neared, I was very apprehensive but a bit of excitement crept in also. This three week European vacation was absolutely the turning point of my life! Spending that time exploring cities, castles, and the countryside was absolutely amazing. Getting to explore sites like the Roman Colosseum, Heidelberg Castle, Notre Dame, the Berlin Wall, Anne Frank’s house, the Cliffs of Moher, (Click on links to learn more) and many others completely changed my outlook on international travel. The history behind these places had me in awe! Growing up in the United States, you’re lucky to find something that’s more than a few hundred years old. Walking among buildings/ruins that are several hundred, if not a couple of thousand, years old was hard to fathom.
As the trip wound down, I was hooked. Already having my sites set on where I could go next. I enjoyed all parts of the trip, meeting the locals, seeing the sites, trying the local flavor. However, what drew me the most was the history of the places we visited, due to my background. While I enjoy visiting any place, whether domestic or international, what really draws me are places or events that hold historic significance.
As the years have passed, I’ve been fortunate enough to continue to travel. By working hard, and making appropriate sacrifices I’ve been able to see more places that, a few years ago, I would not have thought possible. I’d like to help others by passing on some of what I have learned during my travels. If you’re like me, and have a love of both history and travel then click on the link below and come join me as I seek adventures along the footsteps of History!